Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gran Torino and stuff.....

I feel like I'm finally stepping back into my life. I've been in seclusion and hibernating since the injury. I didn't feel good, so I just stayed home and got through it. Didn't feel the need to inflict my grumpy self on anyone.So today I finally met a few friends for a movie. We saw Gran Torino, and I must say it's the best movie I've seen in a long time. For me it actually lived up to the hype. I had the whole plot and storyline figured within the first 5 minutes (I'm annoying like that) but it was so well crafted! I actually want to go see it again. So go see it, and tell me what you think!

Not much else happening. Parents are on their way to the Pacific Islands. They're on a 35 day cruise. Yes, I'm jealous! But I'm not so sure I'd want to be on a ship for that long.

I'm fairly unhappy with my foot.....I'm feeling that achilles. Looks like I'm not hitting the courts just quite yet. Grrrrr

Today is a rather special day. It's my gorgeous Suki's birthday! She's 6 years old, and she's been with me for 4 of those years (we don't talk about the first 2 spent being shuffled to and from pounds...I took her off death row) She's a constant delight and a wonderful companion. Here's one of my favorite pics of her with her tongue stuck out. Happy Birthday, my Suki Baby!!


  1. watch out with playing tennis too soon! ahem *wink*

    you know what? I forgot to pay back the cash I owed you! darn! I realised after I was in the airplane. Thanks again for dropping me off. {{{hugs}}}

  2. Ahh, yes, Gran Torino. I've been wanting to hear from someone that actually went and saw it to see if it's really as good as the critics are saying it is. I love Clint Eastwood - one of my favorite actors of all time. Interesting that he's still making movies. I don't know how old he is, but he's still getting around pretty well, too!
    Beautiful doggy - nice pic.

  3. im looking forward to grand tornio.clint dont make bad ones.get better soon

  4. Happy birthday, Suki!

    The tennis courts will still be there when your foot is healed. Jeez. :-)

  5. Beautiful photo Happy Birthday Suki!

  6. Hey -- while waiting for your valuable update -- did I mention that having "the whole plot and storyline figured out within the first 5 minutes" is something I often do? {You must be a write and a psychic too!} :D
